
To prevent faults, service interruptions, significant accidents and damage, assets must be regularly inspected to detect any issues as early as possible. This becomes increasingly vital as infrastructure ages. Inspecting assets manually is a time-consuming, labour-intensive process that commands a significant percentage of an organisations operating costs each year. In many cases, manual inspection of assets can be dangerous. Manual utility and asset inspection often involves working at heights, near high voltage, biological hazards and large bodies of water. Employing a drone to inspect these assets means that staff can remain at a safe distance and height, reducing the likelihood of injury. Developments in Remote Piloted Aircraft (RPA) have streamlined and enhanced the asset inspection process. Through the use of UAV’s we can simplify your inspection process, reduce the risks to staff, decrease inspection costs and complete the inspection quicker and to a higher standard than what was previously possible. Safely working at heights while minimising shutdown time and the risks to staff while at the same time keeping costs down has always been a challenge for any business. Using drones for asset inspection provides a number of substantial improvements over traditional inspection methods that you may have used in the past, such as employing rope access technicians. These benefits include improvements safety, efficiency and data quality.

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